Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Lung Care – How to Fight the Cravings for a Smoke?

Let us start with a well-known fact. 90% of the total cases of Lung Cancer result due to smoking. We all know that, along with the fact that 1 out of 7 people who smoke 2 or more packets of cigarettes will die due to Lung Cancer. There are also the countless images and videos, easily available, which present the horrifying state of a smoker’s lungs. In such a scenario, it almost always bemuses a non-smoker or a non-addict that most smokers still continue with the deadly habit. However, to be fair to those trying to quit, quitting is not half as easy as may be presumed by the non-addict. Here are a few things which you can do, while trying to quit, that can help you cross the bridge to the smoke-free zone.

Prepare Psychologically

The reason why most attempts to quit end up in relapses is that you are not prepared for the withdrawal symptoms. Though, once you have quit, it takes just about a fortnight for nicotine to completely leave your body, the urges to smoke again will continue much beyond that. The urges are driven by the withdrawal symptoms like nausea, headaches, cramps, anxiety, tension, loss of appetite, etc. They are the biggest hurdles which someone trying to quit has to overcome. The fact that these symptoms worsen by the hour, before they start to abate, also do not help the cause. Prepare yourself for these hardships from day one. This will help you stay strong and not give up the fight.

Medical Help

Heavy smokers are very likely to experience heavy withdrawal symptoms. If the cravings turn too severe or the physical symptoms make it difficult to go through the normal dealings of the day, there is a better alternative to going back to smoking. Consult a Lung Specialist and get medication for those crucial days when relapse is most likely to occur.

Consulting a Lung Specialist, while quitting cigarettes, is in fact, the best possible way of starting your journey to a healthier life. When expert help is available to aid you get off the road of Lung Diseases, it is always a smart idea to take it. One such Lung Specialist in Gurgaon & Delhi, who has been successfully aiding smokers kick the habit, is Dr. Himanshu Garg of Respiratory & Sleep Cure Solutions.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Symptoms of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a kind of obstructive lung disease. It is caused when the airways become narrow and the lung tissue breaks down. The primary cause for COPD is long exposure to external irritants like tobacco smoke and air pollutants. A small percentage of COPD cases also occur due to hereditary reasons. The following are some of the symptoms of COPD:

Productive Cough

A productive cough is the most common symptom of COPD. Productive cough is categorized as cough which produces mucus and is also called wet cough. Since such a cough also results from the common cold, patients often wait beyond the recommended time, often resulting in disastrous consequences. Any productive cough which is more than a week old may be a symptom of COPD and should be immediately seen by a Lung Specialist.

Chronic Cough

The medical jargon diagnoses any cough, which stays for more than 3 months every year for 2 consecutive years, as chronic bronchitis. Most cases of COPD are preceded by cases of chronic bronchitis. Such cases of COPD are often mistaken as “smokers cough”.


Feeling short on breath is another symptom noticed in those suffering from COPD. This condition is usually the most irritating for the COPD patients as they are short on breath and energy for carrying out the daily activities. 


Wheezing is defined as a low whistling sound which accompanies breathing. Typically seen in asthmatic patients, wheezing should not be taken lightly as it is another major symptom of COPD. The sound is produced due to the obstruction of the airways.

COPD is the third leading cause of death worldwide and claims more than 3 million people annually. Any of the above symptoms should promptly lead to an appointment with a Lung Specialist. One of the top COPD Treatment Centers which you can visit is Respiratory & Sleep Cure Solutions in Gurgaon.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

How to Prevent Lung Diseases?

Lung Diseases are very often fatal diseases. The lungs are important parts of our vital organ systems. They are responsible for the most primary need to sustain life – breathing. Lungs provide the surface area which is required for the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood stream. Thus, it goes without saying that taking care of your lungs is important for a long and healthy life.

Unfortunately, modern lifestyle is not exactly sympathetic to the lungs. With vices like smoking, and an environment full of toxic fumes, most of what goes inside the lungs is not what’s meant for it. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is of utmost importance. Stay away from tobacco in any form and those, who are already habituated smokers, need to start their steps towards quitting. Though it is not a very easy task to free your lungs from tobacco smoke once you have tagged yourself a chain smoker, it is a necessary pain to go through when you consider the number of fatal diseases associated with tobacco. According to WebMD, the use of tobacco is responsible for 90% of the total cases of Lung Cancer. It is further estimated, that among every 7 smokers who consume 2 or more packets daily, 1 will die of Lung Cancer.

Carbon monoxide and other toxic gases released into the air by the vehicles and industries are the other major causes of Lung Diseases. Such areas should be avoided when possible and adequate protection should be taken otherwise. We can also contribute to a pollution free environment by using non-polluting vehicles, pooling cars and taking other environment friendly steps.

Regular checkups of the lungs and the respiratory system should feature in your tasks to do. Some of the Lung Diseases like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) can go undetected before they take a severe form. Top clinics like Respiratory & Sleep Specialists, with a Top Lung Specialist like Dr. Himanshu Garg, provide easy access to such Lung Tests and the necessary treatment if diagnosed with a Lung Disease. Take care of your lungs – Yes you get 2, but you mostly get them only once!  

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Everything You Need to Know About Pulmonology

Pulmonology is that branch of medical science which deals with the diseases of the respiratory tract. A Pulmonologist, therefore, treats the ailments of the heart and lungs. These ailments include, but are not restricted to, Pneumonia, Asthma, Lung Cancer, Tuberculosis, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis (COPD), Allergic Diseases, Complicated Chest Infections, Sarcoidosis, and other Vasculitic Illnesses involving the Lungs. Since Pulmonology involves 2 of the most vital organs of the heart, a Pulmonologist also has to be an expert in critical care medicine or intensive care medicine, as the patient may also need life support in extreme cases.

The diagnosis of a heart or lung problem usually begins with a review of the most common causes of such problems. These include hereditary diseases, toxins like tobacco smoke, air pollutants, asbestos, and infections from birds, etc. A physical diagnosis then follows, where the Pulmonologist examines for unusual sound in breathing, respiratory rate, etc. Depending on the severity of the situation, a complete cardiac inspection is also performed most of the times.

The treatment, in most of the cases, start with medication, usually via inhalation or oral administration. However, surgical procedures may also be required and in extreme cases, the patient is also placed in external life support systems as mentioned above. A change in the lifestyle of the patient is also of equal importance. Regular exercises, a stress-free life, and proper sleep play a vital role in ensuring that a relapse does not occur.
As can be clearly seen, visiting a Pulmonologist, is trusting him with your life. Make sure that you visit a well-known, experienced, and qualified Pulmonologist if the requirement arises. You will find one of the Best Pulmonologistsin Delhi and Gurgaon in Dr Himanshu Garg,Respiratory and Sleep Cure Solutions.