Thursday 23 July 2015

Steps in Tuberculosis Treatment

Tuberculosis (TB) is defined as an infection due to the various strains of mycobacteria. Although predominantly found in the Lungs, cases of TB infecting other parts of the body are also present. Tuberculosis Treatment takes a long time, which usually ranges from six to nine months. But fortunately, it is completely curable. Let us look at some of the most common steps which make up the process of Tuberculosis Treatment.


The diagnosis is of much importance in TB Treatment as for it to be effective; various things about the type of TB have to be considered. This is because different types of TB react in different manners to different drugs. For example, the methods of Latent Tuberculosis Treatment and those of Active Tuberculosis Treatment are different. Also, a lot depends on the area of infection.


The diagnosis will lead to the appropriate prescription then. The prescription, apart from the type of TB, also depends on the level of drug resistance. Better researches have led to the discovery of various combinations of drugs to tackle the problem of multi drug resistance. The development of multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis has made the requirement of consultation by a Tuberculosis Specialist even more vital.

Care during the Medicine Course

The speed, at which the course of medicine reacts, depends on a lot of other things too. The most important, among them all, is a nutritious diet. Adequate levels of vitamins and other nutrients are required for the body to be able to properly fight back Tuberculosis. Proper rest is another important requirement to ensure effective recovery.

Due to the long period of Tuberculosis Treatment and the nature of drugs used, the risk for side-effects is also very high. If you feel loss of appetite, vomiting tendency, nauseated, or cramps (especially in the stomach area), instead of stopping the medicines, consult your Tuberculosis Specialist immediately.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

4 Lesser-Known Facts about Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer is diagnosed as the uncontrolled growth of cells in Lung tissues. We are familiar with the general facts involving Lung Cancer, like smoking tobacco being the most major cause of Lung Cancer. However, further research has brought to light more facts about the deadly disease. Let us discuss a few of them here.

Treatment Depends on the Stage

The type of Lung Cancer Treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. The stage, where the cancer is confined to only a certain part of the lung, is called stage 1. The rest of the stages depend on the extent, of spread, of the cancerous cells. Stage 4A and 4B are typically designated to episodes when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. While stage 1 can be effectively treated with surgery, the later stages require more complex and expert treatment. This is why it is very important to visit a Lung Specialist at the slightest hints of the symptoms.

Genes Play a Role in the Response to Treatment

The role of genes in Lung Cancer Treatment was discovered only in recent years. This is another aspect which makes it a task for the experts. Treatment, which corresponds with the genes of the patient, will always yield faster results.

Female Cancer Patients are Increasing

It has been noted that recent decades have seen an alarming rise in the rate of Lung Cancer cases in women. However, thankfully, this rise in rate has been stabilized now. The rise was associated with a higher number of women taking to smoking.   

Include Fruits & Vegetables

Although it is still being researched, a lot of experts believe that fruits and vegetables can keep Lung Cancer at bay. Thus, we have another important reason for including the fruits and greens in our diet.

The above are a few facts about Lung Cancer which you might not have known. Even as research continues to find more effective Lung Cancer Treatment, even in its later stages, for now, your promptness in fixing that appointment with the Lung Specialist can play a vital role in saving you.