Tuesday 23 December 2014

Lung Care – How to Fight the Cravings for a Smoke?

Let us start with a well-known fact. 90% of the total cases of Lung Cancer result due to smoking. We all know that, along with the fact that 1 out of 7 people who smoke 2 or more packets of cigarettes will die due to Lung Cancer. There are also the countless images and videos, easily available, which present the horrifying state of a smoker’s lungs. In such a scenario, it almost always bemuses a non-smoker or a non-addict that most smokers still continue with the deadly habit. However, to be fair to those trying to quit, quitting is not half as easy as may be presumed by the non-addict. Here are a few things which you can do, while trying to quit, that can help you cross the bridge to the smoke-free zone.

Prepare Psychologically

The reason why most attempts to quit end up in relapses is that you are not prepared for the withdrawal symptoms. Though, once you have quit, it takes just about a fortnight for nicotine to completely leave your body, the urges to smoke again will continue much beyond that. The urges are driven by the withdrawal symptoms like nausea, headaches, cramps, anxiety, tension, loss of appetite, etc. They are the biggest hurdles which someone trying to quit has to overcome. The fact that these symptoms worsen by the hour, before they start to abate, also do not help the cause. Prepare yourself for these hardships from day one. This will help you stay strong and not give up the fight.

Medical Help

Heavy smokers are very likely to experience heavy withdrawal symptoms. If the cravings turn too severe or the physical symptoms make it difficult to go through the normal dealings of the day, there is a better alternative to going back to smoking. Consult a Lung Specialist and get medication for those crucial days when relapse is most likely to occur.

Consulting a Lung Specialist, while quitting cigarettes, is in fact, the best possible way of starting your journey to a healthier life. When expert help is available to aid you get off the road of Lung Diseases, it is always a smart idea to take it. One such Lung Specialist in Gurgaon & Delhi, who has been successfully aiding smokers kick the habit, is Dr. Himanshu Garg of Respiratory & Sleep Cure Solutions.

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